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Inspiring the 
Leaders of the Future


IASEA is an Institute of Education and Research that produces Educational Material and promotes Workshops on
Social and Emotional Learning and Environmental Education.


The workshops happen in schools. Teachers learn how to use IASEA educational material to promote youth leadership and develop fundamental socio-emotional skills for personal and academic development in students.


The Educational Material consists of interactive teaching techniques  designed to create and develop socio-emotional skills in young people, promoting personal and professional development. The material presents Lesson Plans, Dynamics, Cooperative Games and Theatrical Skits.


IASEA teaching techniques help in building solutions to common problems that afflict educators and students. The pedagogical methodology applied in the workshops and educational material values innovation, motivation, ease of application and replication, content excellence and the impact generated.

Workshops for Teachers in Brazil

 IASEA works in an integrated manner with Education Departments, Public Schools and a network of partner NGOs in several municipalities in Brazil.  The workshops stimulate thoughts in educators aimed at modernization and continuous reformulation in the teaching process.   



At the Socioemotional Connection Workshop, teachers learn how to use  Dynamics, Lesson Plans, Theatrical Skits and Cooperative Games to develop in young students skills  such as concentration, focus, empathy, self-confidence, self-esteem,   teamwork, creative and analytical thinking, problem-solving, responsible decision making,  and much more.


 At Oficina Conexão Verde, teachers learn how to use Dynamics, Lesson Plans, Theatrical Skits and new Cooperative Games to encourage youth leadership in environmental causes. The workshops' educational material explores topics such as conscious consumption, sustainable cities, green jobs, biodiversity preservation, renewable energy, and much more!


Workshop and Course for Young People. Through a combination of conceptual approaches and behavioral techniques, young people learn how to develop and strengthen 12  personal and professional skills within the 5 pillars of Emotional Intelligence. PROFESSIONAL SUCCESS is designed to encourage teens to continually think about what they do, how they do it, why they do it, who they are and who they want to become.

IASEA Courses and Workshops have promoted
transforming results for Teachers and Schools:
Benefited Schools
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Benefited Teachers
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IASEA is part of Na Responsa, a network with 30 organizations in 5 Brazilian states.


The network's goal is to develop educational actions to promote Youth Leadership and prevent alcohol and drug use by minors.


IASEA develops projects on Socioemotional Learning and Environmental Education in partnership with very special organizations:


In partnership with NASA and the British Council, we developed workshops on the Planet's Biodiversity and Preservation. The meetings culminated with students from 3 Brazilian schools asking live questions to the Astronaut Michael Barratt, who answered directly from the International Space Station.


In partnership with the USP Zoology Museum and the Tocorimé Pamatojari Tall ship, we promoted an Itinerant Exhibition about Charles Darwin along the Brazilian coast, with Workshops and Monitored Games on board.



Todo os materiais educativos do IASEA estão protegidos pela Lei 9.610 de Direitos Autorais. A reprodução de conteúdo em sites, blogs, jornais ou qualquer veículo de distribuição e mídia só poderá ser feita mediante prévia autorização do IASEA. 

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