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Practical  Tools  to  Implement  Environmental  Education  in  Schools

The objective of Environmental Education is to encourage new positive habits in youth. The program stimulates students' creative thinking and new ways of thinking that reinforce personal values that are fundamental to preserving the environment, such as conscious consumption and awareness of the human impact on environmental issues.

IASEA's Environmental Education program has strategic guidelines focused on contributing to sustainable development, preserving nature and disseminating best sustainability practices. Its educational material is formed by lesson plans, dynamics, cooperative games and hands-on activities.

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The goal of the program is to train a new generation of leaders for the environmental cause.


The program involves schools and communities and promotes knowledge about the best solutions to various environmental challenges.



Environmental Education is about creating ecologically conscious individuals, equipped with knowledge, skills, attitudes sensitivity to effectively contribute to the preservation of the environment and the promotion of sustainable development.


Through this holistic educational approach, we can inspire a new generation of leaders ready to face environmental challenges with wisdom, compassion and innovation. Our educational framework is designed to instill a deep sense of equality, justice and respect in young people – fundamental pillars for achieving a sustainable future. Through environmental education, we aim to cultivate a comprehensive set of values:


✓ SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS - Elevate awareness and deepen understanding of the environment along with the significant impacts human activities have on it. This component is crucial for fostering an informed and conscious global citizenry ready to engage in meaningful environmental stewardship.


✓ ATTITUDES - Support the development of positive attitudes and emotions towards the environment. This includes nurturing creative and innovative thinking, encouraging entrepreneurial initiatives that benefit the environment, and promoting effective teamwork aimed at solving ecological challenges. It's about shaping individuals who are not only aware of environmental issues but are also emotionally invested and ready to contribute positively.


✓ SENSITIVITY - Facilitate a profound personal connection with the natural world through direct experiences. This emotional bond is vital for engendering a genuine concern for environmental preservation and motivating individuals to take action.


✓ SKILLS - Provide youth with practical tools and skills necessary for addressing and solving environmental problems and making a tangible difference in their communities. This encompasses a wide range of competencies, from critical thinking and problem-solving to specific technical abilities that can be applied in various contexts to mitigate environmental issues.

Environmental Themes Covered in the Program

Ocean Protection

River Protection

Forest Protection

Ozone Layer Protection

Renewable Energy

Sustainable Cities

Waste Management

Sustainable Consumption

Aquatic Biodiversity

Brazilian Biodiversity

Global Biodiversity

Endangered Species


Conservation Units

Traditional Communities

Indigenous Communities

Sustainable Tourism

Green Economy

Green Jobs

Agenda 21



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